What If you had to bug out and leave your home right this instan? What bag would you use as your bug out bag? You have so many options to choose from. Some bags have frames on them, some bags have a water bladder in it so you can store your water right on your bag. I like some of the new bags that have solar panels on them. They can recharge your kindle, phone and ipad.
I am not sure on what kind of bag I would choose to bug out with. I think I would use a black bag instead of a camo green one. I just think black looks better and still can be used in stealth situations. The bag should be able to hold a lot of items. Your survival will be depending on that. What good is a bug out bag if you can't really hold anything int it. You might as well just carry some Walmart bags to carry your stuff and hope for the best
This bag has a lot of great reviews Condor Compact Assault Pack
Just fill it with your bug out bag goodies and get the hell outta dodge. If you are unsure on how to make a bug out bag then you can order Bug Out Bag Essentials! It has helped me make a bag and learn how to make a bug out bag checklist that every family needs. When I first made my own bag, I had it filled with stuff that was just unnecessary and was making my bag to heavy.
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